Monday, 2 April 2012

Injustices We Commit

I just read a thought-provoking and heart-breaking quote from St Basil the Great. Thought-provoking because it led me to think about my personal things and stuffs which I have not been using for a considerable time now and which I could have given to others who may very well need them more than I do. Some stuffs are even becoming dusty and discolored already from months of un-use. Heart-breaking because, in the depth of my heart, I know that I can still give more to those who have less and yet I am not doing it so.

Anyway, all of us should ponder daily on what St. Basil said that,”..the bread which you do not use is the bread of the hungry; the garment hanging in your wardrobe is the garment of him who is naked; the shoes that you do not wear are the shoes of the one who is barefoot; the money that you keep locked away is the money of the poor; the acts of charity that you do not perform are so many injustices that you commit.”

Mea culpa.

Lord, please help me in my moments of reluctance or procrastination to be your loving hand to those people around me who are in need.

(originally posted on July 10, 2010)

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