My Spiritual Journal
" I will instruct you, guide you and teach you in the way you should go, I will counsel you and give you advice with my eyes upon you. " Psalm 32-8
How would you know if it's God's will you are following?
I've been hearing this question a lot lately, from others and also from myself.
Aside from the word of God in the Bible and the ten commandments,
as a believer, it will always be a matter of faith to know God’s will. But I also believe that there is a simple day to day self-check that we can do and which I am trying to practice - If I am doing something against my wants and realizing that the foreseeable results are far better than I expected, then I can comfort myself knowing that it is indeed God’s will.
It applies for both life-changing decisions and mundane daily choices I make.
A few years ago, my husband and I decided to gave up our comfortable life in the city where everything we need is easily accessible by just a simple walk – church, banks, groceries, malls, and even government offices. We moved into the south area where I need to drive car everyday for everything. My back pain is hurting especially when I get caught up during traffic hours with my non stop headache due to heat. But looking at how the general well-being of my husband and boys are minus the choking pollution of the metro area, I am convinced it was the right choice for us.
Another example is, my family, especially our two boys like pizza, burgers, chicken, pasta and milk tea so much that we'd like to buy them each day if we will follow our want-pattern. But it is eventually going to make us sick with all its sugar and preservatives, so we are putting a cover lid over our wants by scheduling it only on a once-a-week basis.
God's will is for us to be healthy and I can see the results on our family after we chose to follow Him.
After all, we are created according to His image and likeness so God is within us, our conscience will disturb be endlessly if what we are doing or what we did was not according to His will.
If we have God's peace, then we know it is God's will for us.