Last summer, we are invited to join the enthronement together with seven other families in the neighborhood for BEC in our Parish to get together to read, meditate and reflect on the word of God that will be our guide to receive the blessings of knowledge as we prepare for attending our regular Sunday Holy mass of obligation.
LECTIO DIVINA ORACIO and Gospel Contemplation.
Then we were assigned to organize the first Basic Ecclesial Community Christmas Party which attended by 210 members. Giving gifts of grocery package for 50 families, pre-loved clothes and toys with lots of games, raffles prizes for all the counterpart attendees as Rowin hosted the event with sis Jen.
And we are so grateful to all our brothers and sisters for the support in our a week time preparation. All provides generously to make this year end meet and greet each other more meaningful to us all.
All praises and glory to God's amazing graces.
God bless.